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Self-Massages for Different Headaches

Choosing the Right Massage for Your Headache Relief

Before diving into different head massage techniques, it's crucial to identify what type of headache you're experiencing. The right massage can help ease your pain, but in some cases, the wrong technique might make it worse. Below are five common types of headaches and the best massage methods to help you find relief.

1. Migraine & Tension Headaches

Though migraines and tension headaches are distinct, they often respond well to the same massage techniques. Try the following:

  • Brow Bone Pressure: Place your thumbs under your brow bones, near the bridge of your nose, with thumbs pointing towards each other. Apply firm pressure for 15 seconds.

  • Neck Release: Use your index and middle fingers on both hands to press into the base of your skull on either side of your spine. Make small circles for 30 seconds while gently tilting your head side to side.

  • Temple Massage: Place your index, middle, and ring fingers on your temples and make small circular motions for 30 seconds.

Regular massage therapy can be an effective long-term strategy for reducing both chronic migraines and tension headaches. While these self-massage techniques may offer quick relief, working with a massage therapist can help prevent headaches from recurring.

2. Sinus Headaches

The best massage for sinus headaches depends on where you feel the pain:

  • Cheekbone Pressure (Maxillary Sinus Massage): If you feel pressure around your cheekbones, gently massage the area in circular motions.

  • Forehead Release (Frontal Sinus Massage): If pain centers between your eyes, massage the area in slow, upward strokes.

  • Deep Sinus Massage (Sphenoid/Ethmoid Massage): If discomfort is behind your nose and eyes, massage these areas, but be sure it's truly sinus-related—this type of pain can also be caused by migraines or tension headaches.

3. Cluster Headaches

For potential relief from cluster headaches, gentle self-massage focusing on the temples, forehead, and neck muscles can be helpful.

Here's a breakdown of techniques:

1. Temples and Forehead:

  • Circular Motions: Use your thumbs to gently massage your temples in a circular motion, applying firm but not painful pressure.

  • Forehead Release: Place your index and middle fingers between your eyebrows and gently apply upward pressure, sliding your fingers along your brow line while applying a light massaging motion.

  • Pressure Points: Focus on the area between your eyebrows and the bridge of your nose, applying gentle pressure with your thumbs.

2. Neck and Shoulders:

  • SCM Massage: Locate the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) in your neck (the muscle running from the base of your skull to your collarbone).

  • Gently Pinch and Massage: Slowly pinch the SCM between your thumb, pointer, and middle fingers.

  • "Walk" Up and Down: Carefully "walk" your fingers up and down the muscle, pausing along the way to gently squeeze and massage.

  • Shoulder Massage: Gently massage your shoulders, focusing on any areas of tension.

4. Allergy Headaches

Allergy headaches are usually caused by sinus congestion. If you're experiencing pain on the top of your head or forehead, try these techniques:

  • Eyebrow-to-Nose Glide: Place your thumbs at the inner edges of your eyebrows, apply gentle pressure, and slide your thumbs downward, ending at the base of your nose. Repeat for 30 seconds.

  • Neck Base Release: Using your index and middle fingers, press upward into the base of your skull on either side of your spine. Hold for 30 seconds while slowly tilting your head side to side.

Finding Lasting Headache Relief

While these self-massage techniques can help alleviate headaches, regular professional massage therapy can address the root causes and provide long-term relief. If you're struggling with frequent headaches, consider booking a session with a skilled massage therapist to develop a customized treatment plan.

Looking for expert help? Click here to contact us or schedule an appointment today!



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Beaverton Advanced Therapeutics

LMT LIC#25212

P: 971.217.6004 |  F: 503.296.2774

10700 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Highway Suite 550, Beaverton, Oregon 97005

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